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Security With Velocity:

Security With Velocity:

Secure DevOps To Accelerate Product Delivery

Secure DevOps To Accelerate Product Delivery

Thursday, December 3rd
@ 12-1:30 PM CT

Thursday, December 3rd
@ 12-1:30 PM CT

About the Program

Security With Velocity: Secure DevOps to Accelerate Product Delivery is an invitation-only, video-based virtual event limited to 25 Application Security, Product Security, Product Engineering and Development tech leaders from enterprises across the United States, who will convene with three goals in mind:

  • Learn from insightful conversations led by our moderated panel
  • Participate in interactive breakout room video discussions
  • Build meaningful new connections with a diverse group of thinkers
07.14.20 Braze Enterprise

About the Content

Companies today are rushing to get new software products out the door to support digital transformation initiatives and generate revenue. Yet these products are often stopped at the final security control gate when vulnerabilities that could facilitate a breach come to light, preventing an on-time release. Or worse, products are deployed even though they contain critical vulnerabilities that could expose company and/or customer data.

To deliver software products fast and gain a competitive advantage, product security teams must have the tools and processes in place to build secure software from the start. They require the visibility to assess application security at any time during the DevOps process, and the contextual insights to make informed business and operational decisions on risk and security readiness.

Our expert panel and peer-to-peer learning format will uncover ways to deliver software products while embracing a more agile DevSecOps approach.

Discussion Topics

  • How security and development can work hand-in-hand to deliver secure products without holding up delivery processes
  • Maximizing the value of your app sec tools and reducing development costs, by finding and fixing critical vulnerabilities earlier in the SDLC
  • Speeding remediation and improving efficiency by providing developers with actionable application security data, prioritized by business impact
  • Achieving faster time-to-market by integrating application security tools and processes within the DevOps methodology and toolchain
  • Making informed business decisions based on application risk, and communicating effectively with executives


John Worrall
John Worrall


Amit Bhardwaj
Chief Information Security Officer
Amit Bhardwaj
Chief Information Security Officer
Harish Parwani
Director of Engineering –
DevOps, Cloud Platform
and Shared Services
Constant Contact
Harish Parwani
Director of Engineering –
DevOps, Cloud Platform
and Shared Services
Constant Contact
Mark Willis
Chief Information Security Officer
Mark Willis
Chief Information Security Officer

Event Details


Thursday, December 3rd


12-1:30 PM CT

Attendee Profile

25 Application Security, Product Security, Product Engineering and Development tech leaders from enterprises across the United States


12:00PM     Attendees Enter Virtual Event & Welcome Remarks

12:05PM     Video Networking in Breakout Rooms

12:15PM     Panel Discussion

12:55PM     Audience Q&A

1:10PM     Breakout Networking Sessions


Attendees Enter Virtual Event

& Welcome Remarks


Video Networking in Breakout Rooms


Panel Discussion


Audience Q&A


Breakout Networking Session

Reserve Your Spot Here


ZeroNorth empowers companies to deliver security at the speed of DevOps. A SaaS-based DevOps security automation platform, ZeroNorth orchestrates all your application and infrastructure scanning tools, and normalizes, analyzes and intelligently correlates scan data. Through this process, ZeroNorth delivers a complete, consistent view of business application risk, and prioritizes vulnerability remediation for developers—reducing the considerable complexity and manual effort required. ZeroNorth seamlessly integrates with DevOps or any heterogeneous development environment, to help ensure that remediation is implemented and verified with as little friction as possible to the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Discover more at zeronorth.io.



Business Development Institute (BDI) is an award-winning event marketing agency specializing in producing invitation-only, thought leadership driven, custom events on the most impactful topics. BDI’s programs create an interactive peer learning experience while providing a rare networking opportunity for like-minded leaders over a fine lunch.

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