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Handling the
Holiday Frenzy:

Preparing for an Unprecedented
Peak Online Shopping Season

Thursday, October 29th
12:00 – 1:30 PM MST

Thursday, October 29th
12:00 – 1:30 PM MST

About the Program

Handling the Holiday Frenzy: Preparing for an Unprecedented Peak Online Shopping Season is an invitation-only virtual event featuring an expert panel and open room discussion.

This event is limited to 30 technology, engineering, and infrastructure leaders from the retail industry who will convene over three goals:

  • Gain actionable insight from the moderated panel discussion
  • Participate in interactive breakout room video discussions with peers
  • Build meaningful new connections with a group of diverse thinkers
07.14.20 Braze Enterprise

About the Content

The holiday shopping season, irrefutably the most important sales period of the year, always follows months of careful planning. That planning has traditionally been driven by years of data and experience dealing with the challenges the industry has come to expect — seasonal staffing, supply chain pressure, and predictable web traffic spikes. 

This year, we’re entering what’s predicted to be a pivotal holiday season, with record numbers of shoppers online, buying items that they would typically purchase in-store. The ability to provide and maintain a consistent digital customer experience is paramount, as customers today have little patience for anything but flawless performance. Complete control over digital infrastructure is critical to optimize the eCommerce experience, and IT and engineering teams should be planning for ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’ by upping traffic capacities, running reliability tests, and establishing operational war rooms.

Discussion Topics

  • Incident preparedness and response in the face of unprecedented digital utilization
  • Organizing a cross-functional quick-response team that can handle digital issues effectively in real-time
  • Selecting and implementing automated solutions that can add to customer experience
  • Mitigating surprise outages that can ultimately impact brand, revenue and customer experience
  • Streamlining online infrastructure to support surges in curbside pickup and in-store pickup


Eiad Abunimeh
Senior Director of Strategic Solutions
Eiad Abunimeh
Senior Director of Strategic Solutions

Event Details


Thursday, October 29th, 2020


12:00 pm – 1:30 pm MST

Attendee Profile

30 technology, engineering, and infrastructure leaders from the retail industry


12:00PM     Attendees Enter Virtual Event & Welcome Remarks

12:05PM     Video Networking in Breakout Rooms

12:15PM     Panel Discussion

12:55PM     Audience Q&A

1:10PM       Breakout Networking Sessions


Attendees Enter Virtual Event & Welcome Remarks


Video Networking in Breakout Rooms


Panel Discussion


Audience Q&A


Breakout Networking Sessions

Reserve Your Spot Here


PagerDuty is a leader in digital operations management. PagerDuty empowers organizations of all sizes with real-time and data-driven insights to drive better business results. DevOps, ITOps, and SecOps teams use PagerDuty’s award-winning platform for real-time operations to improve operations, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and accelerate innovation. Today, over 11,000 organizations across all industries have deployed PagerDuty. Notable customers include IBM, GE, Box, and American Eagle Outfitters. To learn more and try PagerDuty for free, visit www.pagerduty.com.



Business Development Institute (BDI) is an award-winning event marketing agency specializing in producing invitation-only, thought leadership driven, custom events on the most impactful topics. BDI’s programs create an interactive peer learning experience while providing a rare networking opportunity for like-minded leaders over a fine lunch.

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