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Driving Interactions,
Not Impressions:

Driving Interactions,
Not Impressions:

Pharma Marketing in the Digital Future

Pharma Marketing in the Digital Future

Tuesday, March 30th
12:00 – 1:30 PM ET

Tuesday, March 30th
12:00 – 1:30 PM ET

About the Program

Driving Interactions, Not Impressions: Pharma Marketing in the Digital Future is an invitation-only, video-based virtual event limited to pharmaceutical marketing leaders from enterprises across the country who will convene with three goals in mind:

  • Learn from insightful conversations led by our moderated panel
  • Participate in interactive break out room video discussions
  • Build meaningful new connections with a group of diverse thinkers
07.14.20 Braze Enterprise

About the Content

In lieu of in-person doctor visits, patients have turned to social media and other digital channels for medical discussions, answers to their questions, and, most of all, empathy – more than ever before. In the past, risk-averse companies have been hesitant to stray from more educational messaging, but establishing an emotional connection is not only needed now more than ever but can also be a key part of your marketing success. Demonstrating and encouraging an emotional connection can drive the conversations that have key business value, set your content apart, drive interaction, boost digital traffic, and ultimately increase HCP conversations about your products.

Building trust with content that invites interaction is key to effective patient marketing. In light of COVID, consumers have more questions than ever about symptoms, doctors, and treatments, and they’re looking for brands that address those concerning topics and meet them where they are in their patient journey. Engagement needs to be measured by more than click-through rate or likes on a post. Engagement needs to be measured in patients’ participation and interaction with a brand via tools that create a positive emotional experience like quizzes, chatbots, and polls—tools that allow marketers to balance the mix of facts and feelings in their content and nurture trust.

Join us as we discuss how to create compliant engagement-focused content that influences patient behavior, builds trust, and generates meaningful engagement through empathy and understanding.

Discussion Topics

  • Understanding patients’ informational and emotional needs at various stages in their journey
  • Adding interactive capabilities to your patient marketing mix
  • Supporting patients digitally by providing a wealth of relevant, on-demand resources
  • Defining the relationship between content and patient engagement beyond CTR
  • Utilizing pharma marketing campaigns to educate, connect, and build brand awareness

Event Details


Tuesday, March 30th, 2021


12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Attendee Profile

Select group of pharmaceutical marketing leaders


12:00PM     Attendees Enter Virtual Event & Welcome Remarks

12:05PM     Video Networking in Breakout Rooms

12:15PM     Panel Discussion

12:55PM     Audience Q&A

1:10PM       Breakout Networking Sessions


Attendees Enter Virtual Event &

Welcome Remarks


Video Networking in Breakout Rooms


Panel Discussion


Audience Q&A


Breakout Networking Sessions

Reserve Your Spot Here



LiveWorld provides agency services and enterprise-class software for managing customer conversations in social media and messaging apps, on the web and mobile devices. By blending human engagement and automation, we help companies get closer to their customers to bolster relationships, loyalty, and lifetime value. Our clients include AbbVie, AstraZeneca, BMS, GSK and Pfizer, among others. Learn more at www.liveworld.com and @LiveWorld.



Business Development Institute (BDI) is an award-winning event marketing agency specializing in producing invitation-only, thought leadership driven, custom events on the most impactful topics. BDI’s programs create an interactive peer learning experience while providing a rare networking opportunity for like-minded leaders over a fine lunch.

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