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Search to Sold

Turning Web Traffic Into Foot Traffic

Wednesday, March 18th
@ 12:00 – 1:15 PM

Wednesday, March 18th
@ 12:00 – 1:15 PM

About the Program

Search to Sold is an invitation-only virtual event limited to 25 digital marketing and customer experience leaders who will convene over the following goals:

  • To learn actionable insights and strategies
  • To walk away with valuable new connections from our unique networking opportunity
  • To enjoy a fine lunch

About the Content

Technology has raised the bar on consumer expectations. Modern consumers demand Amazon-like convenience, five-star search results, and seamless online-to-offline experiences. In fact, 70% of consumers say that connected interactions play a crucial role in getting and keeping their business. In today’s fast-paced economy, marketers must merge the power of in-person with the speed and convenience of mobile in order to compete and win. Leading enterprises—from healthcare to retail to finserve—are modernizing the way they communicate to bridge the experiential gap, turning web traffic into foot traffic.

Discussion Topics

  • Consumer trends in digital marketing

  • Best practices for mastering the modern customer journey

  • How savvy marketers leverage conversational marketing to grow reviews and get found

  • Why texting matters to patients, consumers, and local enterprises

  • How to integrate marketing touchpoints with messaging channels to drive better experiences and gain powerful insights


Marc Hansen
Director of Enterprise Marketing


Adrienne Fasano
Chief Marketing Officer
Cushman & Wakefield
Paul Mulvihill
Director of Marketing
AmeriCash Loans
Nicole Parlapiano
Senior Director, Strategic Alliances

Event Details


Wednesday, March 18th, 2020


12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Attendee Profile

25 digital marketing and customer experience leaders from enterprises across multiple industries


  12:00 PM – 12:40 PM       Welcome Remarks & Panel Discussion

  12:40 PM – 12:55 PM       Q&A Session

  12:55 PM – 1:15 PM         Video-Based Breakout Session

  1:15 PM                          Event Formally Ends

12:00 PM – 12:40 PM

Welcome Remarks and Panel Discussion

12:40 PM – 12:55 PM

Q&A Session

12:55 PM – 1:15 PM

Video-Based Breakout Session

1:15 PM

Event Formally Ends



Podium modernizes the way business happens locally with messaging tools designed to help enterprises get found, win more leads, earn repeat customers, centralize interactions, and do more as a team. Today, more than 40,000 businesses trust Podium’s award-winning interaction management platform to power over 5 million customer interactions every month. To learn more, visit www.podium.com.



Business Development Institute (BDI) is an award-winning event marketing agency specializing in producing invitation-only, thought leadership driven, custom events on the most impactful topics. BDI’s programs create an interactive peer learning experience while providing a rare networking opportunity for like-minded leaders over a fine lunch.

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